Luna is a very neat name for a cinema. The cinematic motif of a wolf howling to the moon on a starry night immediately paints itself before the eyes. However, the genesis of the name is anything but poetic. The Luna cinema was named after the Soviet space programme "Luna", which aimed to explore the moon. To this day, the spirit of the ...
Kino Kultura
Another studio cinema in Warsaw, Kultura shares a townhouse in the heart of Warsaw with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Respectable neighbourhood obliges. The Kultura cinema currently run by the Polish Filmmakers Association has an unusual history. In the smaller of the two auditoriums, which used to be a separate entity, films were censored by collaging, or simply cutting out scenes....
Illusion Cinema
The Iluzjon cinema of the National Film Archive has an extremely rich and turbulent history. It could almost be called a travelling cinema, as it has changed address many times over the 60 years of its existence. It survived the years of wandering thanks to the support of the public, and finally gained the honoured status of an archive cinema. It settled for good in the historic building of the former Stolica cinema. The modernised two-screen...
Muranów Cinema
The Muranów cinema shares its name with the historic district in which it is located. It was built after World War II on the site of the Warsaw Ghetto. A piece of history is enclosed within these walls. The interior of the cinema has changed over the years. Renovated on the cheap at the beginning of the new millennium, it became a cardboard and plaster caricature. Fortunately, a major renovation...
To say that Kinoteka is an eight-screen multiplex, or simply a cinema, located in the Palace of Culture and Science, is like saying nothing at all. The place is brimming with culture. You will see blockbusters here, of course, but you can also enjoy the best independent cinema, the biggest festival hits and ambitious middle-of-the-road cinema. Respect for the projects...
Atlantic Cinema
Another suggestion for fans of cinemas from before the multiplex era. Like the Vistula cinema, the Atlantic cinema belongs (since 2021) to the NoveKino chain. It is the oldest operating cinema in Warsaw. It has been in continuous operation since 1930! The auditorium has hosted such distinguished guests as President Ignacy Mościcki and Marshal Józef Piłsudski. This awareness...
Vistula Cinema
Jeśli nie jesteś fanem galerii handlowych i wolisz miejsca z duszą wybierz kino w Warszawie - Wisła. To jedno z najstarszych kin w Warszawie. Zostało uruchomione w 1959 roku. Obecnie należy do sieci NoveKino (6 kin w całej Polsce, 2 kina w Warszawie). To nieduże kino z autentyczną atmosferą bez...
Multipleksy Multikina znajdziesz w 6 lokalizacjach w stolicy. Różnią się one nie tylko ilością sal (od 6 do 12), ale także dostępnymi udogodnieniami. Multikino Złote Tarasy to jedno z najbardziej stylowych kin w Warszawie, jak i w całej Polsce. Zajmuje aż trzy poziomy. Odbywają się tu projekcje filmów w ramach...
Cinema City
W Warszawie jest aż 6 kin należących do sieci Cinema City, wszystkie znajdują się w popularnych galeriach handlowych. Średnio jest w nich po 13 sal i 2700 foteli. Poza standardowymi seansami możesz liczyć na niezapomniane przeżycia, dzięki najbardziej zaawansowanym rozwiązaniom technologicznym. W centrum handlowym Sadyba Best Mall Cinema City oferuje...