Black Cars

This is a car rental in Warsaw for a special customer. If you need a premium car, you've come to the right address. These types of vehicles are perfect for business meetings or wedding ceremonies. Or maybe you just want to feel like a millionaire for a while and drive a limousine? The fleet of cars is constantly expanding to...

Car Free

If you are looking for a car rental company where you can do most of the paperwork online, you need to use Car Free. The company has a whole fleet of new cars available. You can choose between different types of propulsion (petrol, hybrid, electric), gearboxes (manual, automatic) and body versions of the vehicles. You can hire small city cars,...

The Meatbusters

This place boasts an appreciation of both classic meat consumers and supporters of a plant-based diet. Their veggie and vegan burgers rank very strongly among Warsaw's plant-eaters. Try the wheat bread here, it literally melts in your mouth, topped with delicious sandwich toppings and an original cutlet. Meat eaters prepare...

Uapami - seitan burger

A burger bar with a strong culinary profile. The veggie burgers it serves are prepared with a seitan base. It is a delicious ingredient, deceptively reminiscent of juicy meat, even its texture is reminiscent of beef. You feel like rushing there as soon as possible. Centuries ago, seitan was an ingredient in Buddhist dishes and popularly served in...

Max Burgers

A Swedish restaurant chain offering both plant-based and meat burgers. It was founded 52 years ago and proudly boasts its values, which hang like a manifesto on the interior walls. The main direction of the company's commitment is climate-themed. The base of their sandwiches is either Plant Beef which is a plant-based cutlet. Very reminiscent in taste, smell....

Meet and Fit

This is a place for everyone; their plant-based burgers are just part of the offerings on the menu. However, it is worth a visit for discerning vegans. And especially for those who have only given up meat for ethical reasons and miss the taste of meat. Here you can indulge in a 'non-meat' burger that is deceptively reminiscent of a classic juicy beef cutlet....

Weed Food

Chwast Food is a very popular burger joint in Warsaw, a must-visit spot for all fans of vegan and vegetarian cuisine. It specialises in vegan burgers. They offer a large selection of buns, gluten-free, wheat-rye, light with grains or graham. Sandwiches made with a lamb chop, celeriac with pumpkin seeds, beetroot burgers or 'pork chop'....


Krowarzywa to wspaniała placówka, zaangażowana w społeczność wegańską z ogromnymi ambicjami i sukcesami kulinarnymi. Istnieje od 2013 roku i stała się Mekką wegańskich smakoszy. Zachwyca i zaskakuje obfitość i świeżość burgerów w ich lokalach, dbałość o klienta, a przede wszystkim dobór składników. „The Economist" napisał o nich: „Zaglądając do „Krowarzywa”...

Uki Green

Doskonałym ramenem w Warszawie uraczysz się także w Uki Green. Po sukcesie UKI UKI z menu kuchni japońskiej, adresowanej do wszystkich gustów i typów odbiorców, założyciele zdecydowali się na pójście o krok dalej. Stworzenie specjalizującej się już w jedynie roślinnej ofercie placówce. Estetyczne, proste, utrzymane w stylu japońskim, w jasnym...

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