La Petite France

The name of the shop betrays its character and specialisation, which is, of course, French cuisine. La Petite France is a small but extremely authentic piece of France in the Polish capital. The owners do not compromise when it comes to the quality of the goods on offer. La Petite France is a direct importer of the best products straight from France. As well as retailing...

Little India

Little India has four outlets in Warsaw and one each in Gdańsk, Kraków and Wrocław. Here, you can not only find all kinds of Indian products, but also a wide range of food from all over the world. Warsaw is a city whose inhabitants are constantly on the lookout for new culinary experiences, so the exotic food shops have no shortage of customers. Little India [...]

Piccola Italia & Mediterraneo

Italian cuisine is extremely popular in Warsaw, which is evidenced not only by the excellent Italian restaurants springing up like mushrooms after the rain, but also by the numerous grocery shops with authentic specialities from sunny Italy. One of the leaders in this sector in the city is the chain of shops Piccola Italia & Mediterraneo, which is on the...

Candy POP

Candy POP is a chain of 30 successful shops in the Baltic countries - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and, of course, Poland. Candy POP invites lovers of the world's diverse flavours for convenient shopping at its outlets in three shopping centres. A wide assortment of delicacies from different parts of the world, mainly from Asian countries and the USA, is...

Delicatessen Kuchnie Świata

Delicatessen Kuchnie Świata in Warsaw and Konstancin-Jeziorna, as well as in many other locations in Poland, is part of a company that has been thriving for many years and is also an importer and distributor of foodstuffs from all latitudes for the HoReCa sector (hotels, restaurants, catering), retail chains and online sales. The company's mission is.

Westfield Arkadia ice rink

Jak co roku centrum handlowe Westfield Arkadia zaprasza fanów jazdy na łyżwach na zadaszone lodowisko. Jest ono czynne codziennie od 10:00 do 22:00. Godzina frajdy na ślizgawce to wydatek rzędu 20 zł (bilet normalny) i 15 zł (bilet ulgowy). Za nieduże pieniądze możesz pożyczyć łyżwy, chodzik czy kask, a nawet...

Prague Slide

W tym sezonie partnerem lodowiska na placu Konesera jest centrum filmowe Kleks, stąd nazwa – Ślizgawka z Panem Kleksem. Bajkowa atmosfera pełna magii to bez wątpienia zasługa imponującej instalacji autorstwa Jarosława Koziary – 25 trzymetrowych, kolorowych lampionów w kształcie tulipanów i 9 równie zachwycających motyli. Oryginalna kompozycja świetlna sprawia, że...

Ice rink in front of the Palace of Culture and Science

Just like the ice rink in the Old Town Square, one of the most popular winter venues in Warsaw - the PKiN ice rink - resumed operations on 4 December. No one needs to praise this address. Under the open sky, surrounded by twinkling lights and the hustle and bustle of the city, you can feel the real magic of winter. The view of the majestic edifice and the space perfect for having fun make this [...]

Ice rink in the Old Town Square

Jarmark bożonarodzeniowy w Warszawie na Rynku Starego Miasta na stałe wpisał się już w zimowy krajobraz stolicy. Od ładnych paru lat pod pomnikiem Syrenki rozlewane jest lodowisko. Jednocześnie może z niego korzystać maksymalnie 80 osób. Nie jest to może wielka przestrzeń, za to sceneria warszawskiej Starówki, szczególnie wieczorem, kiedy atmosfera...

This week's best

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