Dance schools in Warsaw
Your guide to the best dance schools in town
- Last updated: March 11, 2025
Dance schools in Warsaw
Your guide to the best dance schools in town
- Last updated: March 11, 2025
It is said that 'dance is the hidden language of the soul'. There are many answers to the question of why dance is worthwhile. Dancing is a great way to get fit, improve your mood and shape your confidence. Dance classes is also an opportunity to make new friends and even colleagues. Without a doubt: it's worth dancing! In our guide, you will find out which dance schools in Warsaw are particularly noteworthy and where you will sign up for classes where you will really learn to dance: effectively and in a pleasant atmosphere.
Dancing has a positive effect on motor skills, body position and muscular endurance. It improves motor coordination and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that it also has a beneficial effect on brain function. Do you still have any doubts about spending your free time dancing? Maybe you will be convinced that dancing stimulates the production of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones?
Dance schools in Warsaw - here you can take dance steps
There are many of proven dance schools. Advanced and intermediate as well as complete beginners will find an interesting offer for themselves. People of all ages and genders can confidently start from scratch. You don't have to worry about whether you will perform well.
In dance schools, the emphasis is now on a pleasant atmosphere of learning together and working on the body. With regular training, there is no lack of healthy discipline, but achievements are supposed to come with joy, and movement is supposed to be a pleasure and relieve tension.
In this guide:
Hakiel Akademia Tańca
The school's founder and owner Marcin Hakiel is one of Poland's most recognisable dancers, choreographers and dance instructors. Dance school operates in several districts and offers a very wide range of individual and pair classes. Solo courses include bachata solo, hip hop, salsa solo, ladies latino, among others. You can also choose classes tailored to your specific needs: latino aero - Latin dance aimed at improving your figure, sensual dance - dance to shape your body awareness, high heels - dancing on stilts to popular music or sexy dance - seductive dance.
Couples will also find interesting proposals for themselves at the Hakiel school. These include ballroom dancing, salsa, bachata and latino. If you want to learn to dance as a couple but you are single: nothing to lose! At Hakiel's you can sign up for special classes for singles. You can also learn to dance for various occasions - utility dance, New Year's Eve dance or the first dance for brides. You can also start your adventure with professional tournament dancing or take advantage of individual classes with Marcin Hakiel.
Egurrola Dance Studio
For more than 25 years, Agustin Egurrola has been working as a choreographer and instructor with top Polish show business stars and has been involved in the dance setting of major artistic and entertainment events throughout the country. In addition to nine locations in Warsaw, dance school also operates in Łódź, Wrocław, Katowice and Kraków. Its extensive range of classes for solo and couples dancers includes bachata, jazz, contemporary jazz, disco, hip hop, latino and ballet.
Egurrola Dance School also runs Dance Moms classes - for dancing mums, Commercial - a mix of techniques and styles, High Heels - dancing and moving in high heels and dance courses for singles. Advanced dance enthusiasts can enrol in the Ballroom Dance Section, where they can work on technique and dance quality, climbing the ranks of dance development. If you are wondering which dance schools in Warsaw are worth considering, Egurrola Dance Studio should definitely be on your list of interesting options to consider.
Akademia Tańca Ireneusz Sulewski
Ireneusz Sulewski's dance school organises classes for couples, brides, singles and ladies. It has a very interesting offer, in which you will find not only the more popular courses, but also, for example, Argentine tango and flamenco. In addition to regular year-round dance lessons, the school also organises fast summer courses in applied dance, which are aimed at rapid progression in skills. Among
Among dance schools in Warsaw The Sulewski Academy is distinguished by its wide range of activities, in which, in addition to standard and holiday dance courses, it also organises away-day dance holidays, a Dance Enthusiasts' Section and a Sports Dance Club. The section is for people who have completed the course and want to continue their adventure with dance, and the Club brings together the best specialists in sports dance in Poland.
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
The Arthur Murray Dance Studio, which operates in Warsaw, is part of the world's largest, international network of dance schools użytkowego, która notowana jest na 5 gwiazdek i obejmuje ponad 280 placówek, działając na każdym kontynencie. Międzynarodowa historia szkoły ma już 110 lat, a w jej oddziałach uczyły się takie sławy jak Jennifer Lopez czy Patrick Swayze.
Metodyka stworzona przez Arthura Murray’a bazuje na naturalnych predyspozycjach uczniów, indywidualnie dostosowanym do ich możliwości tempie nauki tańca oraz prostych ruchach tanecznych. Kursanci rozpoczynają naukę od programu wprowadzającego, a potem kontynuują naukę przechodząc przez programy: Associate Bronze, Full Bronze, Silver, a na końcu Gold. Na zajęcia można zapisać się z partnerem albo tańczyć z instruktorem.
Abra Studio
Abra Studio jest wspólnym przedsięwzięciem zaangażowanego od wielu lat w świat tańca i muzyki małżeństwa Agnieszki oraz Bartosza Abraham. Misją szkoły jest nie tylko nauka tańca, ale przede wszystkim rozwijanie tanecznej pasji i świadomości własnych możliwości wśród kursantów. Studio organizuje również różne eventy i imprezy, które przyczyniają się do budowania wokół szkoły zaangażowanej społeczności.
Jeśli szukasz szkoły tańca w Warszawie, która wyróżnia się dużą wszechstronnością, Abra będzie strzałem w dziesiątkę. Doświadczeni instruktorzy uczą między innymi jazzu, modern jazzu, salsy, tańca nowoczesnego, tańca towarzyskiego, bachata, bachata sensual, kizomba, kizomba fusion, urban kiz, zouk brazylijski. Organizowane są także zajęcia ze strechingu.
Viva Cuba Dance Studio
Dance school Viva Cuba Dance Studio zrodziła się z miłości tancerzy Ewy “Żaby” Kilijańskiej i Kuby Makowczyńskiego do tańców latynoskich. Z biegiem czasu do oferty dołączyło wiele innych opcji i aktualnie można tu uczyć się między innymi jazzu, hip hopu, dancehall, a nawet baletu. Jeśli szukasz szkoły tańca w Warszawie w dogodnej lokalizacji, gdzie będziesz mieć możliwość doskonalenia swoich umiejętności w przestronnych klimatyzowanych salach, Viva Cuba będzie dobrym wyborem.
Poza kursami tańca szkoła organizuje również naukę pierwszego tańca weselnego dla par, zajęcia taneczne na wieczory panieńskie i pokazy taneczne samby brazylijskiej, salsy i breakdance oraz innych stylów tanecznych. W Viva Cuba Dance Studio możesz zapisać się też na kurs coraz popularniejszego tańca twerk.
Dance schools in Warsaw - here you can pursue your hobby
Dance is a beautiful passion that can accompany us throughout our lives. It develops the body, shapes the spirit and brings true relaxation. Improving your skills and getting more and more impressive moves and routines brings a lot of satisfaction and motivation for further training. Attending dance classes is also a great option for making new friends and meeting people with similar interests. With our guide you will find of the best dance schools in Warsaw and spread your dancing wings.