The 33rd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is fast approaching. In Wola Park it will last for two days! We would like to invite you on Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January. This year's Finale is dedicated to paediatric oncology and haematology.
The collection in Wola Park and Ulrich Gardens will be led, as it was last year, by Sztab #97 associated with DK Świt. In addition to the regular collection at the Centre by volunteers from the Sztab, we have organised additional activities together with partners:
*** Co-operative plays for GOCC - Variety auction
There is no need to write about WOŚP. Probably everyone in Poland knows this amazing action. Once again, Co-operative will make a small contribution in the form of handicraft products made of recycled materials. The profit from the auction will go directly to WOŚP. Additionally, you will be able to throw money into the GOCC collection box throughout Saturday, irrespective of the auction, until the closing of the Co-operative.