The musical 'Mr Unusual' is a unique project that has been created as a result of cooperation between the MAT Musical Talent Academy and the Mazovian Neuropsychiatry Centre. It is based on the assumptions of the fight against the addictions of children and adolescents in line with the Mazovian Programme for the Protection of Mental Health. Tickets for the musical Mr Unusual are now on sale. About the musical Mr Unusual Just one more entry. One video, one page. Comment. It's so addictive. Addictive. Here you can be yourself, express your opinion,....
Just one more entry. One video, a page. A comment. It's so addictive. Addictive. Here you can be yourself, express your opinion, find friends, show off your life. To boast about it. To create. But wait a minute, wait a minute... Is it really safe? Is the person on the other side the person they claim to be? Won't you be met with heckling, humiliation, aggression? Won't the colourful, perfect world you are looking at deprive you of the will to... live?
How not to get lost in this crazy world? Being a misunderstood, vulnerable, impressionable young person, at a time when mental health, so much at stake, is still a taboo subject for many? The answer is 'Mr Unusual' - a musical with a soul and a message. A unique experience that explains this incomprehensible, dangerous virtual reality.
This is true musical therapy. The show tells the story of Clare's journey as she enters a virtual world full of surprises, imaginative stories, but also dangers and weaknesses. The characters are young people whose adventures are full of twists and turns and surprising reflections. The musical is aimed at children and young people aged seven to 19, their parents and carers.
The aim is to reach young people in a way that is accessible to them. Music, songs, texts adapted to the audience, actors of the same or close to the same age. The stories told and their message become a kind of signpost, are therapeutic and promote healthy solutions.
The musical 'Mr. Unusual' is a unique project that came about as a result of cooperation between the MAT Musical Talent Academy and the Mazovian Neuropsychiatry Centre. It is based on the assumptions of the fight against the addictions of children and adolescents in line with the Mazovian Programme for the Protection of Mental Health.
Directed by: Marta Koziol.