This is the story of a boy called 'Frog' who finds himself in a wild and ruthless, but guided by its age-old animal law.
The modernised adaptation of the novel was treated as a wonderful opportunity to grapple with the difficulties and possibilities created by the clash between a child's world, and the world of so-called 'adults': "adults".
This musical story, with its multimedia setting and playfulness with the audience, touches on the age-old problem of stereotypes, sensitises people to the dangers and teaches even the youngest children (without pomp, pompousness or moralising tone) to accept differences. That although no one is perfect, we are all valuable.
Director: Jakub Szydłowski
Cast: Mikołaj Gajowy/ Jan Pisera/ Jakub Strach as Mowgli, Ewa Lachowicz/ Marta Wiejak as Bageera, Konrad Darocha as Shere Khan, Wojciech Dmochowski/ Krzysztof Cybiński as Baloo, Paweł Strymiński/ Wiktor Korzeniowski as Tabaka, Paweł Kubat/ Grzegorz Pierczyński as Kaa.
Author: Jakub Szydłowski
Release date: 2016-11-19
Genre: musical
Scenography: Grzegorz Policinski
Music: Jakub Lubowicz
Lighting: Grzegorz Policiński
Choreography: Agnieszka Brańska
Costumes: Dorota Sabak
Duration: 120 min