Juvenalia 3

A new initiative by Krzysztof Pastor, director of ...
When: 16 February 2025, 7pm
Where: Grand Theatre National Opera - Młynarski Hall (Chamber Hall)
Address: Pl. Teatralny 1, 00-950 Warsaw
Introduction: PLN 69
Juvenalia 3

Juvenalia 3

The new initiative of Krzysztof Pastor, the director of the Polish National Ballet, is an attempt to fill the gap that arises between the fruits of the work of ballet schools and the quantitative and qualitative expectations of our theatre stages. This is why we have created a group of ten juniors at the ballet company of the Grand Theatre - National Opera, whose members will work for one to two years on a separate basis, honing their technical and artistic skills in order to achieve the qualifications necessary for them to eventually take up regular work at PBN or another Polish ballet company. The already selected juniors, mainly alumni of Polish ballet schools, will receive special pedagogical care from experienced PBN artists during this period. They will also be provided with master classes led by invited foreign ballet masters. They will participate in dedicated artistic programmes on our chamber stage, later also presented in other theatres of the country, but also in daily classes of the whole PBN and in ballet performances of our theatre. As time goes on, they will have the chance to join the PBN company or apply for engagements at other theatres.

Director: David Trzensimiech, Valentino Zucchetti, Mikhail Fokin

Genre: ballet

Juvenalia 3

When: 16 February 2025, 7pm
Where: Grand Theatre National Opera - Młynarski Hall (Chamber Hall)
Address: Pl. Teatralny 1, 00-950 Warsaw
Introduction: PLN 69
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