Inclusive dances of the world

You don't need a dance partner or experience ...
When: 18 February 2025, godz. 14:00
Where: Artistic Animation House in Warsaw
Address: Rev. Julian Chrościckiego 14, 02-421 Warsaw
Introduction: free event
Inclusive dances of the world

Inclusive dances of the world

You don't need a dance partner or dance experience. This dance is not about striving for perfection. It is enough to come with a smile and perform simple exercises to the music. Feel yourself and share the joy of dancing with other participants.

For whom?
– dla każdego bez względu na wiek i umiejętności;
– dla towarzyskich i nieśmiałych;
– dla samotnych i grup przyjaciół;
- for those who dance and do not believe in their dancing abilities

What does dance give us?
- through body movements and music, dance improves the mental, physical and spiritual state of a person
– wzmacnia odporność;
– ułatwia oddychanie;
– poprawia krążenie;
– poprawia kondycję, modeluje sylwetkę;
– uwalnia od codziennych napięć;
– poprawia koncentrację;
- enhances well-being in a happy, laughing, dancing group
– wzmacnia kości i układ mięśniowy;
– redukuje stres, wspomaga pracę mózgu;
– daje odczucie lekkości i radości;
- facilitates encounters with other people and groups

Classes are led by Elżbieta Dybińska - psychologist, circle and line dance instructor, dance animator. Instructor of laughter yoga and Nordic walking.

A meeting for the Senior Citizens' Club and the local community.

Inclusive dances of the world

When: 18 February 2025, godz. 14:00
Where: Artistic Animation House in Warsaw
Address: Rev. Julian Chrościckiego 14, 02-421 Warsaw
Introduction: free event
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