The exhibition is the first installment of a project that explores themes of animal agency, resistance and coexistence. Through archival footage, experimental videos, collages and prints, Marta Bogdanska encourages reflection on the boundaries between humans and other species, offering a critical look at the contemporary model of the relationship between humans and nature.
The exhibition is curated by Olga Łacna, who, in collaboration with the artist, emphasises the interdisciplinary nature of the project and its relevance in the context of contemporary ecological and social challenges.
One of the central elements of the exhibition are three experimental films, created in 2023 with the support of the Culture & Animals Foundation. These films show the relationship between the spaces inhabited by humans and the animal world, creating a form of visual-sound poetry that encourages reflection on interspecies solidarity.
The exhibition is inspired by the research of thinkers such as Éric Baratay, Donna Haraway and Jason Hribal, focusing on the critique of anthropocentrism and animal perspectives. Marta Bogdanska's work raises questions about the subjectivity of animals, their resistance and how we can understand their agency in a world that often marginalises their role.