Small Synagogue on Tłomackie Street" exhibition

Ekspozycja przybliża temat synagogi, jej ...
When: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Where: Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw
Address: Tłomackie 3/5, 00-088 Warsaw
Introduction: 15 zł
Small Synagogue on Tłomackie Street" exhibition

Small Synagogue on Tłomackie Street" exhibition

The exhibition takes a closer look at the synagogue, its most important buildings and the functions of people, including the rabbi, cantor and shamash. It is aimed at everyone - especially those who have not been to a synagogue before or would like to add to their knowledge of the place.

The exhibition presents the basic furnishings of a traditional synagogue. Visitors can see more than thirty artefacts saved from the Holocaust from Polish and German synagogues. Among them are both ritual objects (e.g. aron hakodesh, parochet, Torah scroll) and objects of everyday use (e.g. keys to the synagogue). The oldest exhibits date from the 18th and first half of the 19th century. The Holocaust left its mark on them. Despite careful conservation, some objects bear indelible traces of their wartime fate. The missing furnishings (e.g. the bimah) have been designed in a modern and simple way so that they do not compete with the exhibited monuments, but at the same time complement the interior.

Small Synagogue on Tłomackie Street" exhibition

When: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Where: Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw
Address: Tłomackie 3/5, 00-088 Warsaw
Introduction: 15 zł
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