The exhibition "Dialogue between Art and Science. CNIO Arte"

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When: 22 November 2024 - 21 January 2025
Where: Cervantes Institute Warsaw
Address: Nowogrodzka 22, 00-511 Warsaw

Introduction: free event

The exhibition "Dialogue between Art and Science. CNIO Arte"

The exhibition "Dialogue between Art and Science. CNIO Arte"

Join us for an opening with a curatorial tour in Spanish with translation in Polish.
The exhibition will see the results of a collaboration between leading Spanish artists and scientists.

CNIO Arte is an initiative established in 2018 that brings prominent Spanish academics and world-renowned leading artists together to explore common areas of action. Guests at this year's seventh edition of CNIO Arte 2024 are artist Dora García and macroecologist David Nogués-Bravo.

The originator of the CNIO Arte project is the National Centre for Oncology Research in Spain (CNIO, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas), which is carried out in collaboration with the Santander Bank Foundation and the Cervantes Institute. The fruit of an annual dialogue between representatives from the worlds of science and art is one or more works of art created by an invited artist, which are then presented to the public and put up for sale. The funds raised go towards cancer research.

In previous years, Eva Lootz and biochemist Margarita Salas; Carmen Calvo and palaeanthropologist Juan Luis Arsuaga; Chema Madoz and quantum physicist Ignacio Cirac; Daniel Canogar and bioinformatician Sarah Teichmann; Susana Solano and epidemiologist Pedro Alonso; Amparo Garrido and Australian Nobel laureate (2009) in Medicine and Physics, Elizabeth Blackburn, participated as artists and scientists respectively.

The project starts from the premise that both science and art are essential to understanding the world and can inspire and enrich each other. As María A. Blasco, CNIO's Director of Scientific Affairs, points out, there are no impenetrable walls between science and art, and scientists and artists have always directed their gaze towards the abyss of the unknown, and have not hesitated to boldly enter it with an open mind in order to deepen their knowledge and push the boundaries of the known.

The exhibition "Dialogue between Art and Science. CNIO Arte"

When: 22 November 2024 - 21 January 2025
Where: Cervantes Institute Warsaw
Address: Nowogrodzka 22, 00-511 Warsaw

Introduction: free event

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