What does the world look like through the eyes of a snake or fish? What does a bee do in a beehive? What is hidden in the roots of a tree? How do you build a water dam? What does a fox smell like and what does a pine tree smell like? Can you build a maze of cacti? Here you have to touch, climb, demolish and arrange, and above all - have fun. Exhibition...
The Bzzz! exhibition is a dedicated space that stimulates uninhibited experimentation, where little Copernicus children play driven by their natural curiosity, while learning through action and accompanying emotions. After all, children are born scientists! Their enthusiasm and researcher's zeal could cause complexes in many an academic. The space has been designed to take advantage of the children's need to move and to direct them towards self-discovery of nature.
In the Bzzz! exhibition, the children experience sensory phenomena with great commitment. They find out that the meadow is only seemingly quiet, but actually has a multitude of different sounds mixed in. The grasshopper, mosquito, lark and stork are inhabitants of the meadow, and these animals are often visited by wind and rain. We can follow in the footsteps of the moose, squirrel and fox, and play at finding hidden forest animals. We also have the opportunity to find out what a violet and a deer smell like, and experience that the world, when viewed through eyes other than our own, can look very different.
A rushing river runs along the Bzzz! exhibition and little explorers will find plenty of water exhibits. Various cranks, screws, buckets and valves catch the eye and are just waiting to be set in motion. Using different coloured balls floating on the river, the children will see if the fountains will lift them up and how the balls behave when thrown into the great whirlpools. Everyone knows that there's nothing more fun than playing with water, but sometimes the little dillers will get so forgetful in their experiments that you have to think about taking along a change of clothes.
You can ask supporting questions or awaken your child's enthusiasm and take part in a butterfly race with your child. Can you explain to your children what sound or air is? Ask for a mini workshop at Bzzz! where we will help you find the answers. And after the Copernicus visit, parents should keep coming back to it in conversations with their child - and plan the next visit!
The exhibition is designed for children up to 5 years old.
Children enter the exhibition together with an adult guardian.
There is a toilet and a room for parents with children on display.
It is a good idea to bring a change of clothes for the children.