Battle of Thrones. Musical talent show

In this musical, eight ... are vying for audience recognition.
When: 31 January 2025, 11am
Where: Siren Theatre
Address: Litewska 3, 00-589 Warsaw
Introduction: 70 zł
Battle of Thrones. Musical talent show

Battle of Thrones. Musical talent show

In this musical, eight kings of Poland, each with a hit song, vie for audience recognition. The show is close to Eurovision - here, too, the audience chooses the winner. The musical about the chosen kings of election is maintained in the convention of television talent shows. Its protagonists present themselves in hits composed in styles characteristic of the countries they come from. For example, Sigismund III, who came from the Swedish Vasa dynasty, sings a song inspired by Abba. August II the Strong of Saxony, on the other hand, combines metal sounds close to the band Rammstein and a Mozart aria in one song. The show's judges are four foreign women - mothers, wives, sisters and mistresses of Polish rulers.

Directed by: Jacek Mikołajczyk.
Author: Jacek Mikołajczyk.

Battle of Thrones. Musical talent show

When: 31 January 2025, 11am
Where: Siren Theatre
Address: Litewska 3, 00-589 Warsaw
Introduction: 70 zł
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