Alicja Majewska and Włodzimierz Korcz are celebrating a round jubilee - 50 years of artistic cooperation. On this occasion, they are embarking on a unique concert tour, during which you will hear not only Alicja Majewska's greatest hits, but also songs that may surprise many viewers. The artists will be accompanied by the Warsaw String Quartet, and in the largest and most beautiful concert halls, a 16-person orchestra and vocal ensemble conducted by maestro Włodzimierz Korcz. Come and join us!
Alicja Majewska Singer. Born on 30 May 1948 in Wrocław. A graduate of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. From 1971 she sang in the group Partita. In 1974 she began her solo career - in the same year she presented herself to a wider audience in a TV programme composed of songs of Hanka Ordonówna "Miłość ci wszystko wybaczy" and thanks to this performance she was noticed by the environment and also by Mariusz Walter, who proposed her to prepare a programme in retro style for Studio 2. Until 1977 she was connected with Teatr na Targówku in Warsaw. She took singing lessons with Professor Olga Łada. She gave concerts in many countries in Europe, Asia, as well as in Polish centres in the USA, Canada and Australia. She has produced a number of hits, including "Jeszcze się tam żagiel bieli", "Odkryjemy miłość nieznaną", "Być kobietą", "To nie sztuka wybudować nowy dom". She sings the lyrics of great authors - mainly Wojciech Młynarski. She permanently cooperates with the composer and pianist Włodzimierz Korcz, author of music to most of her songs.