Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland has enchanted and enthralled millions of readers around the world. By following a girl with the graceful name Alice, we can, if only for a moment, escape from the reality around us and experience unforgettable moments of shared fun, often completely abstract. "In the land of human imagination all sorts of strange things can happen, what is impossible is possible, what is impossible here can happen.... There is only one condition; you must not hesitate, you must jump boldly into the rabbit hole.
Director: Cezary Domagała
Cast: Aleksandra Makowska / Daria Domitrz / Karolina Puerto Cardozo / Maja Kwiatkowska as Alice, Anna Sroka-Hryń / Zuzann Zazulin as Parrot, Caterpillar, Queen, King Kier, Weronika Bochat as Duck, Cook, Suckling, Lady Karo, Monika Bestecka / Marta Wiejak as Dodo, Duchess, Hare, Wiktor Korzeniowski / Janusz Kruciński as Rabbit, Frogolokaj, Scotsman, Paweł Strymiński / Konrad Darocha as Billy, Cat, Tortoise, Jack of Diamonds, Grzegorz Pierczyński / Jacek Zawada as Mouse, Pafnucy, Frogolokaj, Hatter, Griffin, Jack of Diamonds.
Author: Lewis Carroll
Release date: 2015-05-23
Genre: musical
Set design: Katrzyna Borkowska
Music: Tomasz Bajerski
Choreography: Paulina Andrzejewska
Costumes: Katarzyna Borkowska
Duration: 120 min