Theatrical performance of "The Nightingale" based on the fairy tale by Jan Christian Andersen and animated visual arts activities
In the beautiful scenery of China, a musical story is set to the music of Igor Stravinsky's opera , "The Nightingale". There is a free nightingale who sings by the moon and the other, an artificial one, who, locked in a cage, always sings the same melody. It will be possible to see the Emperor of China, in a real kimono, watching the rice-eating ceremony and even approach his Chinese gymnastics.
What effect music has on people - that's what this fairy tale is about - and the fact that you can't live without music. But the most wonderful thing is that in the performance we will hear real nightingale singing and the wonderful music of Igor Stravinsky.
Traveller in China
Spektakl teatralny ,,Słowik” na postawie baśni ...
When: 19 January 2025, 12:30 pm
Where: Bielany Cultural Centre (BOK Bielany, ul. Goldioni)
Address: Goldoni C. 1, 01-913 Warsaw
Introduction: 25 PLN
Traveller in China
Traveller in China
When: 19 January 2025, 12:30 pm
Where: Bielany Cultural Centre (BOK Bielany, ul. Goldioni)
Address: Goldoni C. 1, 01-913 Warsaw
Introduction: 25 PLN
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