Halina Klymkiv-Szkodzinska is a concert pianist, chamber musician and accompanist. She was born in Lviv, where she also graduated from the M. Lysenko State Music Academy in the class of Lidia Krych, receiving a diploma with distinction in piano performance. She is a laureate of the International Piano Competition "Adilia Alieva Piano Competition" in Gaillard (France). She has performed several times on the stage of the Lviv Philharmonic Hall....
Ksenia Ahisheva / Koncert przy świecach
W przepięknym wnętrzu Sali Koncertowej Fryderyk, oświetlonym jedynie blaskiem świec, posłuchamy kompozycji Fryderyka Chopina w wykonaniu niezwykłych artystów - wybitnych muzyków naszych czasów. W programie koncertów obok utworów Fryderyka Chopina znajdzie się także muzyka innych kompozytorów takich, którymi inspirował się Fryderyk Chopin (m.in. Jan Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig...
Halina Klymkiv-Szkodzinska / Candlelight Concert
Halina Klymkiv-Szkodzinska is a concert pianist, chamber musician and accompanist. She was born in Lviv, where she also graduated from the M. Lysenko State Music Academy in the class of Lidia Krych, receiving a diploma with distinction in piano performance. She is a laureate of the International Piano Competition "Adilia Alieva Piano Competition" in Gaillard (France). She has performed several times on the stage of the Lviv Philharmonic Hall....
Halina Klymkiv-Szkodzinska / Candlelight Concert
Halina Klymkiv-Szkodzinska is a concert pianist, chamber musician and accompanist. She was born in Lviv, where she also graduated from the M. Lysenko State Music Academy in the class of Lidia Krych, receiving a diploma with distinction in piano performance. She is a laureate of the International Piano Competition "Adilia Alieva Piano Competition" in Gaillard (France). She has performed several times on the stage of the Lviv Philharmonic Hall....