Exhibition "Before there was coal"

This small exhibition introduces the vegetation of the two most important carboniferous periods in Earth's history: the Carboniferous and the Neogene. Against the background of palaeogeography and stratigraphy, it presents various plant communities that can be reconstructed on the basis of fossils found in sediments accompanying deposits of hard coals (Carboniferous) and brown coals (Neogene). The communities are illustrated with graphic reconstructions, numerous plant remains ...

Exhibition "History of geology"

The small permanent exhibition presents mainly materials on the history of geology. It documents the beginnings of Earth sciences in Poland and worldwide. It is complemented by attractive exhibits collected by the Department of History of Earth Sciences and the Library.

Exhibition "Karst Processes"

Rainwater and groundwater containing dissolved chemical compounds, e.g. carbon dioxide, dissolve certain rocks such as limestone, dolomite, gypsum or rock salts. The phenomena associated with the dissolution of rocks, the formation of various types of rock voids and remineralisation in the form of infiltration are called karst after the Karst region in Slovenia. Easily dissolvable gypsum and rock salts ...

Exhibition "Polish building stone past and present"

Rocks and minerals have served man for millennia. Depending on their size, shape and colour, they have been used as talismans, weapons, tools or valuable building blocks. The latter use has made it possible to create monumental buildings that impress with their craftsmanship and durability. The exhibition "Polish Building Stone, Past and Present" presents selected stone materials from quarries of various...

Exhibition "Sedimentation and diagenesis"

The exhibition describes sedimentation environments, associated sedimentary and biogenic structures. Sedimentation is the process of mechanical, chemical or biochemical deposition of various types of sediments on the surface of the earth's crust. These can be rock crumbs of various sizes and/or organic debris. The accumulating rock material is initially loose and powdery or soft and...

Exhibition "Metamorphism"

Metamorphism is a set of processes that cause a change in the mineral composition and structure and texture of rocks, usually occurring in the deeper levels of the Earth's crust, under the influence of changes in physical and chemical conditions such as pressure or temperature. Due to geological conditions and the extent of occurrence, several types of metamorphism can be distinguished. These are described in detail in the exhibition "Metamorphism"

Exhibition "Magmatism"

Magmatism is the totality of processes involved in magma formation, movement and transformation. These processes occur either deep within the Earth (plutonism) or at or near the surface (volcanism). These phenomena are described in the exhibition 'Magmatism'.

Exhibition "Mineral Raw Materials of Poland"

In the pursuit of his life's needs, man makes use of mineral resources. Each stage in the development of mankind is associated with new discoveries and inventions, which directly or indirectly rely on the earth's riches. And it is not surprising that historians make the initial stages of cultural development dependent on the ability to use them, reflecting the division of pre-historic history....

Exhibition "Geological history of Poland"

The exhibition in the main hall of the Museum presents the geological history of the Polish area, from the Archaic to nearly modern times. The showcases in which specimens of individual systems are presented are colour-coded with colours used as standard in stratigraphic tables and on geological maps. The exhibition presents general information about each era and period, typical fossils ...

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