The Pawiak Prison Museum was opened on 28 November 1965 as a branch of the Museum of the History of the Polish Revolutionary Movement. The opening was attended by invited guests, led by Polish Marshal Marian Spychalski, a very large number of former prisoners, their families and Warsaw residents. On behalf of the former prisoners, the floor was taken by Zygmunt Śliwicki, a doctor, a long-term functionary prisoner employed in the prison hospital, who, to the accompaniment of snare drums, read out the Appeal of Pawiak Prisoners, written especially for the occasion of the opening of the Museum by Colonel Zbigniew Załuski.
Exhibition at the Pawiak Prison Museum
Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak otwarto 28 listopada 1965 ...
Exhibition at the Pawiak Prison Museum
Exhibition at the Pawiak Prison Museum
Exhibition at the Pawiak Prison Museum
When: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Where: Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom - a branch of the Pawiak Prison Museum - a branch of the Museum of Independence
Address: Al. Szucha J. 25, 00-580 Warsaw
Introduction: free event
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