The exhibition "In the Field and in the Forest. Part 1: The forest"

Wystawa ukazuje żyjące w lesie ptaki i ssaki, ...
When: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Where: Museum of Hunting and Riding in Warsaw
Address: Szwoleżerów 9, 00-464 Warsaw

Introduction: free event

The exhibition "In the Field and in the Forest. Part 1: The forest"

The exhibition "In the Field and in the Forest. Part 1: The forest"

The exhibition shows birds and mammals living in the forest, i.e. common species such as roe deer, wild boar, deer, foxes and jays, and rarer species such as the wolf, lynx and golden eagle. There are also many interesting birds hiding among the trees set in the diorama. Presented here are, among others, several species of owls, including the most common European owl - the tawny owl, or the fairly common great horned owl, as well as rare species, including the largest representative of this group - the eagle owl, or our smallest owl - the little owl. Among the bird rarities on display is the gadwall, which is very rare in Poland.

The exhibition also includes a trophy section, well composed with the dioramas, which shows deer antlers and deer antlers: beautiful and symmetrical correct forms as well as interesting forms deformed for various reasons (e.g. perukars). The trophy section also includes a collection of wild boar antlers.

The exhibition "In the Field and in the Forest. Part 1: The forest"

When: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Where: Museum of Hunting and Riding in Warsaw
Address: Szwoleżerów 9, 00-464 Warsaw

Introduction: free event

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